America’s astonishing war against the cannibal giants
Sunday, April 17, 2011 5:34
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One of the greatest wars of all time can’t be found in the history books: America’s amazing war against the giants.

Native Americans and the cannibal giants

The original “Indian Wars” were not between the U.S. Calvary and Native-American tribes but between the Indian settlers and the original Native Americans: the giant red-haired cannibals.

Thousands of years ago, giants roamed the West. Their crude camps and ferocious ways terrorized the early native settlers that had wandered across the land bridge into the North American continent and traveled south and westward into what later became the West and Great Southwest of the United States.

Tribes still speak of those ancient days when their ancestors fought desperate battles against the marauding, loping giants—some towering 12-feet tall or taller–that roamed the land viciously attacking settlements, brutally carrying off screaming women and wailing children for food.


<a href=’’ target=’_blank’><img src=’’ border=’0′ alt=” /></a>

The red-haired giants stood 12-feet tall

The Paiutes, a Native-American tribe indigenous to parts of Nevada, Utah and Arizona, told early white settlers about their ancestors’ battles with the ferocious race of white, red-haired giants. According to the Paiutes, the giants were already living in the area.

Chart of the giant skeletons found worldwide.

The Paiutes named the giants Si-Te-Cah that literally means tule-eaters. The tule is a fibrous water plant the giants wove into rafts to escape the Paiutes continuous attacks. They used the rafts to navigate across what remained of Lake Lahontan.

According to the Paiutes, the red-haired giants stood as tall as 12-feet and were a vicious, unapproachable people that killed and ate captured Paiutes as food.

The Paiutes told the early settlers that after many years of warfare, all the tribes in the area finally joined together to rid themselves of the giants.

Nevada cave where giants’ remains were found

One day as they chased down the few remaining red-haired enemy, the fleeing giants took refuge in a cave. The tribal warriors demanded their enemy come out and fight, but the giants steadfastly refused to leave their sanctuary.

Frustrated at not defeating their enemy with honor, the tribal chiefs had warriors fill the entrance to the cavern with brush and then set it on fire in a bid to force the giants out of the cave.

The few that did emerge were instantly slain with volleys of arrows. The giants that remained inside the cavern were asphyxiated.

Later, an earthquake rocked the region and the cave entrance collapsed leaving only enough room for bats to enter it and make it their home

Evidence of the giant humans—people seven to twelve feet tall—still exists in the fossil records, tools and other artifacts recovered from archaeological digs. Giant skeletal remains have awed and sometimes frightened researchers and explorers as far back as the 16th Century.

Sensational news articles about Nevada carvings & artifacts

The mounds and the giants

The mounds are scattered throughout the Midwest from as far south as Tennessee stretching northwards into Wisconsin, westwards to Oklahoma, and eastwards into West Virginia. Excavation of most mounds has unearthed many artifacts and the remains of average-sized humans.
But older mounds have been discovered containing the skeletal remains of giants…giants with red hair.

Mysterious mounds in Midwest: Giant dwellings?
Yet, in relation to the number of the mounds that exist barely any have been investigated. The few gigantic skeletons found in some have been derisively dismissed or suppressed as aberrations. Ten and twelve foot humans do not fit dogmatic theories. Usually when giant skeletons are found they’re laughed off as hoaxes. Unfortunately, orthodox science has too much to lose by investigating the mounds thoroughly.

Archaeologists cannot deny that the mound builders are real. What they deny are the things sometimes discovered inside the mounds.
Over the past century and a half it’s been revealed again and again that some of the mounds—and the small pyramids—are the burial grounds of huge men often eight feet or taller that had a very sophisticated culture. Some of the giants have been found wearing intricate leather armor and have been buried with swords. One such giant was found near Spiro Mound in Oklahoma during the 1930s.

Undated photo of men transporting giant skull.

The San Diego Union’s strange account

According to the San Diego Union, August 5, 1947, the mummified remains of giants were discovered buried near the Arizona-Nevada-California wasteland. The giants’ remains were still clothed in strange leather garments. The team of explorers tentatively dated the remains as nearly 80,000 years old.

Replica of a giant’s skull found in Southwest.

The year was 1931 and a retired Cincinnati doctor, F. Bruce Russell, accidentally found several tunnels located near Death Valley. Unable to return to the area until 1947, he solicited the assistance of Dr. Daniel S. Bovee—the man who had revealed New Mexico’s cliff dwellings to the world via several lengthy articles appearing in National Geographic Magazine.
With Dr. Bovee’s help, Dr. Russell recovered the remains of several giants with heights ranging from eight to nine feet.

Depiction of giant’s jaw to that of a homo-sapien.

“These giants,” said Hill, “are clothed in garments consisting of a medium length jacket and trouser extending slightly below the knees. The texture of the material is said to resemble gray dyed sheepskin, but obviously it was taken from an animal unknown [to us] today.”

Who were these mysterious people that roamed America long before the Woolly Mammoths became extinct? Were they our ancestors or another race of humans like the Neanderthals?

Red-haired giants discovered in China too

Not much more is known about these giants of North America beyond what is shared here except for one more interesting fact:

Photo of 9-foot, red-haired female mummy…from China!

About twenty years ago in northern China a university’s archaeological dig stumbled upon the burial grounds of twenty-two strange, gigantic men. Each giant had once stood almost 12-feet high and each was garbed in strange leather armor; around their dessicated skulls hung long strands of hair…red hair.

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