This post hit some points worth discussing. In no particular order.
-To Tim my thoughts on how much ammo/ mags/ etc to have are on the record.

-Pineslayer, My biggest firearms expense this year was an order of spare parts. Good times.

-“Can you be too prepared?” I don’t think so. However I do think you can misallocate finite resources. We only have so much money. So $500 spent on another Glock is $500 that’s not in your emergency fund, or buying a sat phone or other things.

Aesop, I look at caches more as redundancy and diversification than specifically for escape and evasion. Though spares at home help in some situations too. Personally I would probably have (presuming I had some multiples of useful guns) about half my guns at home and half caches in different locations. So if I had 10 sets of guns 5 would be at home and 5 would be spread around.

Yeah if things are bad enough that you need several rifles maybe a passport and a tube of gold coins is the better approach.

Peter, Personally I would get the stuff squared away for one gun (or most of the way) before getting another.  I do that stuff by rations. So like 1x Glock needs 10 mags and 500 rounds of HP ammo. Total cost is a consideration and in part why I lean towards 9mm Glocks.

As to moving stuff. I think we have to look at a couple angles. First I think the best way to avoid losing stuff to a sudden move is caching. Say I have 5 rifles/ pistols. I have 2 sets at my place, one at a friends cabin, one at the family farm and the last buried in the woods. I might lose one but it is unlikely that I loose them all. Second I think losing everything if you have to leave your primary residence is mostly a concern if you have everything at your house.

Your idea of having 3 sets seems pretty reasonable. Keeping the reserve set somewhere else is also doable. I definitely agree each gun needs its own stuff. This applies even if it is redundant (your second, third, etc of the same gun) firearm. Maybe the holster for Glock #4 doesn’t need to be the most Gucci kit but it still needs a darn holster.

-I can’t see people “bugging out” on foot with multiple long guns, period. I do like shotguns but more as a general purpose around the home/ farm kind of gun.

-.22lr. If I was adding a 3rd gun for myself a .22lr pistol would be a strong candidate.

-.22 mag. Honestly I have never seen much point to this round. In rifles I have .22lr and if that isn’t sufficient 5.56 or larger. No need for something in between.

For caching it depends on the concept of use. For a minuteman cache a .22 is questionable. For a survival cache it is a very strong candidate.


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