Hey folks. I’m not dead. Been busy spending time with the kids and enjoying the wonderful albeit smoky PNW. Anyway things are getting back to normal now. I am not going to promise anything in terms of posting but it certainly is possible.

Gun people seem to have short memories and act like the idiots in the stock market. When there are solid buying opportunities to be had they don’t seem interested. They can always order those mags or ammo next month. Those rifles are always available and maybe if they wait they will get a sale. Then something happens and they freak out. They end up paying a bunch more money for the same, or even lesser quality, stuff because they were foolish.

Some folks can’t control things. I wasn’t even old enough to be thinking about girls really when the 1994 AWB came into being so no way I could have squirreled away a couple sweet Chinese AKs and a bunch of mags/ ammo. So I couldn’t have prepared for that. If you genuinely don’t have the money because you have a young family that’s life. However if you can do better you really should.

I am not trying to say you should make any crazy moves. Don’t cash out your savings and buy PMAGs or something. Just look to fill your needs in a reasonable way when it is easy to do so. Last week I got 4x Glock 19 mags just because they were on sale. Need to order a few more soon.

Personally my biggest push is going to be getting my reserve of training ammo beefed up. I could stand to add to my training ammo stash. I am shooting more these days so it adds up. A couple cases of 9mm would go a long way.

Our buddy Commander Zero hit on finances today. Why people seem to want to worry about very unlikely end of the world events instead of more realistic ones has been bouncing around in my head lately. That is a post that will be up soon but anyway. It is way more likely that you will need a wad of cash, or the digital equivalent, than body armor and a NOD. In realistic situations you need money.

Trying to improve my situation there is a major effort I am undertaking. Thankfully my debt load is low. Less thankfully I could use some more savings and I don’t own a home. Stuff to work on. Precious metal prices are low and that is worth thinking about. While not sexy putting another month or two of expenses away would go a long way towards giving me some options. As they say “its only an emergency if you don’t have the money.”

Also extra work means I can fund new toys. I am looking hard at a G34 for a gamer Glock and a semi automatic shotgun for 3 gun.


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