Banned substances were reportedly deployed in Zaporozhye Region… Ukrainian forces have used chemical weapons that caused loss of consciousness after inhalation, Komsomolskaya Pravda correspondent Alexander Kots reported on Thursday, citing sources in the Russian military. The alleged attack happened near Orekhov, in Zaporozhye Region. The use of substances banned by international conventions appears to be part of the much-anticipated Ukrainian offensive, the journalist wrote on Telegram. According to Kots, Western-supplied tanks have been spotted outside of Kharkov, while Ukrainian troops have launched attacks on Russian positions north and south of Artyomovsk, which they call Bakhmut. On Thursday evening, the Russian Defense Ministry said there were “no active operations” on the Zaporozhye front, and that the “general situation in the area of the special military operation is under control.” Multiple Western officials have said over the past week that all the weapons, ammunition…


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