House Republican Submits Resolution To Expel ‘Liar’ Adam Schiff From Congress

After Rep. Adam Schiff relentlessly peddled the Russiagate hoax and claimed without proof that there was “more than circumstantial evidence” that Donald Trump colluded with Russia in 2016, Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL) has introduced a House resolution to expel Schiff from Congress after the Durham report concluded that there was no collusion.

Knowingly using your position on House Intel to push a lie that ripped apart our country, cost taxpayers millions of dollars, and authorized spying on a US President and then proceeding to double down on the lie within days of the Durham report coming out makes you unfit for office,” wrote Luna in a late Wednesday tweet, adding “Ethics should investigate.”

Following the Durham report, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy raised the question of whether Schiff “should even be in Congress.”

Schiff notably doubled down on his claims Tuesday, tweeting that the Durham investigation was “flawed from the start.”

“This is an investigation that started in a flawed manner, it was conducted in a flawed manner, and its conclusion is a flawed conclusion,” he told MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell on Tuesday, adding that Durham’s conclusions add “very little” to the Horowitz report, and do not prove a “deep state conspiracy.”

He added that Durham’s investigation was a “wasted effort,” and “four years of undermining the department [of justice] and a political prosecution.”

The former the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee was booted by McCarthy and replaced by Rep. James Himes (D-CT). He has since announced a bid to replace incumbent Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA).

In 2017, Schiff told Meet the Press regarding Trump-Russia evidence; “I don’t want to go into specifics, but I will say that there is evidence that is not circumstantial. But as I’ve said all along, there’s plenty of evidence of collusion.”

Wall Street Journal editorial board member William McGurn says that the Durham probe was a “damning account of the corruption of the FBI and its accomplices.”

Anchor Trace Gallagher noted the editorial board also claimed the FBI knew the discredited “dossier” compiled by ex-MI6 spy Christopher Steele “came from Clinton and was phony to begin with.”

McGurn said it is no surprise Democrats like Schiff, as well as those interviewed on Capitol Hill by Fox News Digital on Tuesday, are dismissing the Durham report.

“The Russia collusion story was the gaslighting of America. It was outrageous, the falsehoods, and it involved the highest levels of law enforcement and intelligence on that part,” McGurn said.

He said that Barr seemingly ignored his own personal differences with Trump to clearly state Tuesday that the former president has been vindicated and that the Russia probe was untoward. –Fox News

“Only Adam Schiff there in those clips talked about the collusion. I mean, Durham said the FBI opened the investigation without any evidence. He also found bias in the FBI, and he found double standards [in] how they treated the Hillary Clinton campaign,” said McGurn, adding “And the problem is so many people in Washington were implicated in this hoax that they don’t want the same thing. Their strategy now is to pretend it didn’t happen and not discuss it.”

Tyler Durden
Wed, 05/17/2023 – 20:40


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