An intrusion by a Ukrainian saboteur group into Russia’s Belgorod Region on Monday has left at least eight civilians wounded, local governor Vyacheslav Gladkov has said. The official visited hospitals to check up on the inured, according to a video address posted to his Telegram channel. No civilians were killed during the incursion, he noted. Earlier in the day, the governor placed “anti-terrorism operation” regulations on the area over the incident, providing additional power to law enforcement and restricting certain civil liberties. The police can now check documents and vehicles based solely on suspicion, ban traffic in designated areas, restrict telecom services, allow servicemen partaking in the operation to enter private properties freely, and so on. Gladkov did not provide any estimates on how long the special regime would be in effect. The incident was acknowledged by Moscow, with Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov stating earlier in the day that the Russian military, the…


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