BLUF: The leader of the Wagner mercenary group, Yevgeny V. Prigozhin, has gone into exile, but the problems he highlighted within the Russian military, such as corruption and lack of control, are expected to persist and worsen, causing discontent among troops and low morale. The emergence of other private military companies like Wagner will only complicate matters further. The military community on Telegram has shown opposition to the leadership while also supporting Prigozhin’s criticisms. The Russian military’s structure and culture are seen as contributing to the ongoing issues, as reforms have fallen short and decision-making power remains centralized. The government crackdown on private military groups, although a step in the right direction, reveals that more of these groups exist than previously discussed. These private militias, even though technically illegal, can create havoc and undermine the state’s interests. The mutiny by Wagner forces revealed weaknesses in the Russian military’s command-and-control structure and coordination with other security services. The lack of resistance from Russian forces during the mutiny could indicate sympathy among officers and soldiers for the mutineers. Prigozhin overestimated his support and the rebellion ultimately failed. General Gerasimov replaced Gen. Sergei Surovikin as commander.
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