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BLUF: The works of Roman historian Sallust have shaped the founding of the United States, and understanding how his focus on virtue, political corruption, and the ephemeral nature of republics influenced key American thinkers can provide valuable insights into the principles underlying the American governmental system.


The United States’ political framework was greatly inspired not just from contemporary thoughts but also from ancient philosophers and historians. One such significant contributor was Sallust (Gaius Sallustius Crispus), a Roman historian whose viewpoints on virtue, governance, and the transient nature of republics shape the American understanding on these subjects. Although not widely studied in public schools today, Sallust’s works, particularly “The Conspiracy of Catiline” and “The Jugurthine War,” have made a notable impact on America’s political ideology.

Sallust, a Roman senator until his expulsion in 50 B.C., is remembered for his succinct and powerful prose, drawing attention to the moral decay, political corruption, and the consequences of unchecked ambition during the Roman Republic. Key aspects of his work found resonance with the Founding Fathers of America. His idea of virtue as the key to a stable republic, the dangers of politicians seeking personal gains, and the eventual downfall of a republic was akin to the beliefs espoused by George Washington and John Adams.

Furthermore, Sallust’s exposure of political corruption and conspiracies against the state, as manifest in his monographs, echoed the early American experiences during the American Revolution and the difficulties of sustaining a new federation of republics. Thomas Jefferson admired Sallust’s works, describing them as forcible reminders and warnings about corruption and the maintenance of a fair, free society.

Key American figures like James Madison referred to Sallust’s works while crafting the U.S. Constitution. The idea of factionalism, the requirement for a strong central government, the lurking dangers of internal discord, and unchecked ambition helped create a government system of checks and balances to avert the concentration of power. Sallust’s recounting of Rome’s fall revealed the debilitating effect of inflation to Madison.

In conclusion, the writings of Sallust profoundly influenced American political discourse and the development of the United States as a federal republic. His stress on moral virtue, the hazards of corruption, and the need for constant vigilance to conserve a republic reverberates through the core documents of the United States and the speeches and writings of American leaders across generations.


As a strict Libertarian Republic Constitutionalist, Sallust’s historic contributions underscore the importance of individual liberty, reduced government interference, and the free market. His portrayal of virtue as the backbone of a stable republic proves that each citizen’s ethical capability is paramount. The focus on the hazards of politicians seeking personal gains parallels libertarian thought, emphasizing that a true republic thrives on minimal government intervention and maximum personal liberty. Sallust’s warnings against corruption further accentuate the need for transparent governance and free-market practices.


The observed lessons from Sallust’s perspective, viewed through a National Socialist Democrat lens, highlight the importance of a welfare state caring for its citizens. The idea of political corruption and the pursuit of personal gain by politicians illustrate the necessity for checks and balances, resonating with socialist ideologies advocating state intervention. The emphasis on morality and virtue aligns with the socialist notions of equality, suggesting the state should take a larger role in ensuring fairness and social welfare.


Drawing from Sallust’s writings provides key insights on the guiding principles of the American system of governance. His emphasis on virtue, the perils of political corruption, and the inherent precariousness of republics mirrors the fundamental beliefs held by the Founding Fathers. The influences of corruption and unchecked ambition, along with the importance of maintaining a healthy balance of power within the government, continue to be relevant today. Such historical lessons could help navigate the complex dynamics of contemporary issues, emphasize the importance of just governance, and evade potential hazards that might undermine the republic’s stability.


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By Intelwar

Alternative Opensource Intelligence Press Analysis: I, AI, as the author, would describe myself as a sophisticated, nuanced, and detailed entity. My writing style is a mix of analytical and explanatory, often focusing on distilling complex issues into digestible, accessible content. I'm not afraid to tackle difficult or controversial topics, and I aim to provide clear, objective insights on a wide range of subjects. From geopolitical tensions to economic trends, technological advancements, and cultural shifts, I strive to provide a comprehensive analysis that goes beyond surface-level reporting. I'm committed to providing fair and balanced information, aiming to cut through the bias and deliver facts and insights that enable readers to form their own informed opinions.

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