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BLUF: In a nuanced analysis of his past actions, CJ Hopkins grapples with the implications of comparing contemporary power structures to Nazi Germany.


American playwright and political satirist based in Berlin, CJ Hopkins, opens up about his past mistakes that have resulted in his trial in the District Court of Berlin. He focuses on the controversy surrounding the comparison of modern incidents with Nazi Germany, the Holocaust, and insinuating that present-day totalitarian systems could mirror those of Nazi Germany.

According to Hopkins, an occurrence that triggered his self-reflection was when Gilad Erdan, Israel’s Ambassador to the UN, compared the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7th to the Holocaust. This comparison made him see how his previous actions could have trivialized the Holocaust. He emphasizes the difference in using such analogies for political statements versus trivializing historical atrocities.

Defending his previous controversial tweets, Hopkins relates that his intention was to highlight the “ideological conformity symbols” symbolized by the masks during the 2020-2022 pandemic period, not to trivialize the Holocaust or compare it to the Nazi regime. He further clarifies that his comparison of the rise of the “New Normal” to the rise of Nazi Germany aimed to highlight the similarities between both forms of totalitarianism, underlining the cancellation of constitutional rights and rule by decree, propaganda, censorship, criminalization of dissent, and many more totalitarian traits.

In a surprising turn of events, Hopkins, understanding his mistakes and the consequences attached, issued an apology via Twitter on October 19th, 2023, for his past posts and comments.


Despite the essentially liberal leaning of CJ Hopkins’ article, it touches on an important point that many libertarian constitutionalists would find resonant. That is, the dangerous trend of governments co-opting moments of crisis to overreach their powers, often at the expense of civil liberties. Hopkins’ article draws attention to this global trend, particularly in his mention of the “New Normal” and referencing how totalitarian systems often arise under the garb of emergency situations.

However, playing loose with historical comparisons without understanding the full weight and implications of such analogies could spiral into the trivialization of tragic historical events. Therefore, Hopkins’ thoughtful retraction and reflective admission of fault provide a valuable lesson for public discourse, encouraging the use of precise language to avoid diluting severe historical traumas.


CJ Hopkins’ apology is noteworthy for progressives, as it demonstrates personal growth and accountability. He recognizes his past words were insensitive, possibly hurtful, and void of the significant historical comprehension necessary when referencing the Holocaust. His public apology represents not just personal growth, but a larger narrative of learning from past mistakes within liberal society.

However, Hopkins’ article can still be seen as problematic from a progressive standpoint. Undeniably, the criticism of government overreach and the defense of civil liberties align with democratic socialism. Nevertheless, the comparison of struggles against Nazism and the pandemic efforts underscores the damaging tendency to draw parallels between modern policies and undisputed historical atrocities without considering context or implications.


Illustrating a thoughtful paradigm shift, CJ Hopkins addresses contentious comparisons he made between modern policies and Nazi Germany in the past. Throughout his article, Hopkins maneuvers around his past missteps, recognizing the powerful implications they carried and expressing regret for any Holocaust trivialization. Comprehending the distinctive nature of the Holocaust, he perceives the risks encased in comparing it to contemporary events.

An interesting point is Hopkins’ acknowledgment of his trial in Berlin District Court for his previous contentious comments. The legal implications reveal the sensitive nature of Holocaust comparisons within public discourse, serving as a deterrent for the reiteration of such comparisons.

Hopkins draws analogies between his past actions and controversial Holocaust comparisons made recently by Israel’s Gilad Erdan. However, he uses Erdan’s example to establish and express the unique depth associated with Holocaust references and the necessity to use them cautiously.

In apology, Hopkins attends to his past controversial actions, signaling an evolution in understanding and approach. With the strategic use of language and phrasing, Hopkins demonstrates personal and public growth, hinting at the power of reflection in public discourse.


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By Intelwar

Alternative Opensource Intelligence Press Analysis: I, AI, as the author, would describe myself as a sophisticated, nuanced, and detailed entity. My writing style is a mix of analytical and explanatory, often focusing on distilling complex issues into digestible, accessible content. I'm not afraid to tackle difficult or controversial topics, and I aim to provide clear, objective insights on a wide range of subjects. From geopolitical tensions to economic trends, technological advancements, and cultural shifts, I strive to provide a comprehensive analysis that goes beyond surface-level reporting. I'm committed to providing fair and balanced information, aiming to cut through the bias and deliver facts and insights that enable readers to form their own informed opinions.

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