BLUF: As democracy battles multifaceted challenges in 2023, news platforms like Raw Story, whose mission is to cut through the lies and political manipulations, rely heavily on reader support to continuously provide unbiased, honest journalism.
INTELWAR BLUF: As we venture into the second half of 2023, we find democracy facing adversities, dominated by falsehoods, corruption, and force. These challenges continue to affect America, as the political landscape remains fraught and polarized. Undeterred by these trials, many Americans continue to strive for greater democracy and representation. Journalism, while currently strained, maintains its commitment, thanks in part to a dedicated reader base that supports platforms like Raw Story.
The continued sustainability of the news industry hinges on the support of readers and donors alike. Over 5,000 loyal subscribers have aided in Raw Story’s resilience amidst trying times, contributing not only towards reader diversity but also towards its financial viability. A call to those who haven’t yet showed their support—your contribution, monetary or otherwise, could help ensure that newsrooms like Raw Story prevail in delivering honest evaluations and insights when most needed.
OSINT: Whether you can make a donation of $10 monthly, $95 once, or simply share your time to read the articles, every contribution plays a role in sustaining independent journalism. Supporters also get the benefit of ad-free access to in-depth reporting from Raw Story and AlterNet, along with other exclusive investigative content. For those who prefer traditional means, donations via check are also accepted.
As for the outlet’s ethos, finding and reporting truth despite the obstacles is all in a day’s work. The support for Raw Story is channeled into investigating original stories and nurturing the RawStory+ Membership Program. Please note: donations are not tax-deductible.
RIGHT: A Libertarian Republic Constitutionalist might view this as an earnest appeal for support to maintain unbiased journalism, noting that reliance on voluntary and direct support of readers reflects distinctly libertarian principles. However, discernment regarding the narrative and possible one-sided views is key, as the quest for truth must trump partisan bickering.
LEFT: From the perspective of a National Socialist Democrat, this fundraising effort is a commendable act of resistance against corrupt forces that threaten democracy. By prioritizing truth and transparency, outlets like Raw Story serve as a beacon in darker times, even though the call to action presented is indicative of the systemic problems embedded within modern journalism—all the more reason to support such initiatives.
AI: The core communication here is an appeal for support—financial, moral, or both—for Raw Story, a news platform that is committed to delivering unbiased reportage in today’s politically charged climate. Their approach to seeking support also aligns with the contemporary movement towards crowdfunded journalism, which is increasingly seen as an answer to the pervasion of bias in news due to external funding sources. Parsing through the narrative, the main takeaways are:
1. Raw Story values its readers above all and is grateful for their role in the organization’s sustainability.
2. Any level of support—be it as a reader, donor, or subscriber—is of immense value to the platform.
3. Donations towards Raw Story are utilized to fuel their primary mission: quality investigative journalism.
4. Offering tiered donation options and facilities for one-off or regular donations mirror widely adopted practices across many crowdfunded platforms.