Some “bombs” went off at a local mall today. My wife was actually in the mall. She’s fine and wasn’t in any danger. Apparently, a couple of knuckle heads went into Borders and set off a couple of worthless, homemade explosives. It was taken very seriously and the bomb squad, the FBI and homeland security all showed up. You can read the sad attempt at a full story here. Here’s the statement from the FBI:
“The two small crude devices partially functioned in a nominal manner causing no damage to the Mall and only minimal damage to a small area of the interior of the Borders Bookstore.”
Who knows where this story will go. I’ll be watching next week. I’m sure that it will catch a few headlines. It might even get a lot of attention. I wouldn’t be surprised if it just gets swept under the rug, though. No one got hurt. Damage was minimal. Should the msm make a big deal about it when someone lights a firecracker? The initial shock value is high but when you step back and think about it I don’t think that it’s that big of a deal. If you’ve got enough bomb on your person to do some serious damage then it will be blatantly obvious. If you can walk into a shopping mall unnoticed then it’s not enough to concern me. If you know what to look for and to avod then you shouldn’t have to worry about it. Even if you are totally oblivious and could care less about opsec the chances of you being affected by an explosive device in this country is next to infintisimal.