It is one of anti-American radical revolutionaries against the freedom and liberty for which our Constitutional Republic stands.Words that divide help no one but the radical left who are already mobilized and angry at the Western world, namely the United States. You are not that sort of citizen.You want your country protected and run in a proper manner without corruption and confusion by a government that operates within the confines of our Constitution, not one that seeks to rip it to shreds. You, too, want a government that understands that its role is to secure liberty, not seize it; and one that helps the people who need our help and not the ones that take advantage of our good faith.We know that independently from the current politicians in office we can restructure the priorities of our nation without discord by jointly voicing our displeasure over the way our government has been run for the past several years and which now seeks to fundamentally transform this great country into something we will soon no longer recognize.It is now up to us, the citizenry of the United States of America, Republican, Independent and Democrat to boldly stand up and protest the way this government has been hijacked. The bonds we share as Americans are stronger than the issues that divide us. We implore you to put aside your party loyalty and stand up now before our country is run financially and spiritually into the ground. We hope you take the time to pass this on to your families and friends so we can get our country back on track for the betterment of all.
Thank you,
Your Fellow Americans from the Right.
Authored by Nicholas Contompasis
Now the Eagle
Nicholas Contompasis author of “Now the Eagle” the very popular thriller about the Obama Presidency. This free online novel will keep you on the edge of your seat as the world wobbles on the brink of disaster.
Muskets and Cannons
The battles defending the fundamentals that have made this country great, are as I write, being fought on smart phones, laptop computers, Facebook and twitter. These are things and words that our forefathers would have scratched their heads at, nonetheless just as important as “Muskets and Cannons”. The true America will be heard and will prevail. God bless this land, America.
Authored by Nicholas Contompasis
The Tail That Wags the Dog
The left should remember, that with the Obama administrations continual alienation of the independent voter, they the left, are becoming more and more of a minority.
America will not allow the tail to wag the dog.
Authored by Nicholas Contompasis
Respect for Life
Godless people make godless governments and godless governments have no respect for life.
Authored by Nicholas Contompasis
The Great American Deception
The greatest trick socialists in America ever did was to convince the American people they didn’t exist!
Authored by Nicholas Contompasis
Econ 101
You Can’t Ride in on Capitalism and Expect to Ride Out Alive on Socialism.Giddyap
Authored by Nicholas Contompasis
Our Children
Mr. President did you actually think we would let you steal the future of our children and let you get away with it? Giddyap
Authored by Nicholas Contompasis
May I Suggest
To the Future Members of the 112 Congress of the United States – We the People Want Nothing Short of Hearings, Charges, Trials and Convictions. If You Fail at This Simple Task We Will Throw You Out Too. You Clowns and Buffoons Have Insulted the American People Long Enough. We Mean Business. Giddyap
Authored by Nicholas Contompasis
The Last Conservative
The dark days collapsed into weeks and weeks into years as the great nation declined into a unsettled sleep.
The once great empire that touched every nation was now in decline but not by choice, more by design. A design that was created from the dark side of men’s souls. Men that had no love of God and country. Men as dangerous as any in history.
As the great nation faltered from self strangulation. Its clouded eyes gazed upon a distant image through the hazy morn.
The once proud people, now enslaved, with eyes in permanent sorrow felt a change this hazy morn.
The haze, as it slowly burned above the rolling hills began to reveal the approaching force.
This force was once the lifeblood of the mighty empire but was lost in years of turmoil.
Confusion and lies ruled these days leaving the people wanting and searching but never finding until this hazy morn.
For on this morn, the sun now shining for the first time in years, burning off the deadly fog, revealing the image of good and evil on the battlefield of right and wrong. Bringing clarity to the eyes of the people of this great land.
As this clarity spread, the evil was destroyed and the now proud nation empire was once again leading the world with its love of God and country, for all nations.
Authored by, Nicholas Contompasis
The Next President of the United States General David Petraeus Ph.D
As the ancient warrior from the dusty pages of a long forgotten empire steps out into present days light his mission is one. This mission is as old as the history books from which he emerges.His goal is to right the wrong. His mission is to save his people for whom he has fought for in far off lands, spending years in foreign soil and feeling the blood of many enemies.His love for his land is full and true. A love that is felt to the core of his being. This love of empire is the common thread that links the people of the empire to him.As the years pile up in his endeavor to save the empire from the menaces from afar, the storm clouds grow over his homeland.The threat now is more from within than from afar and the Eagle is watching and waiting. The corrupt leader and senator’s of the ancient forum have now pushed the people to the brink of existence.But, the Eagle is waiting. As this ancient general of the loyal armies dusts off his shield and sharpens his sword and spear he sets his eyes on his homeland.With a tear in his eye and the wind under his feet he will return to right the wrong, to free the enslaved, to stop the oppression and to ultimately heal the scars of his homeland.For the Eagle is coming to save his land, to save his people. He is coming to save his America.And when his mission is met he than can rest back into the ancient page’s of history till it’s time once again to emerge for the people.
Authored by
Nicholas Contompasis
Nicholas Contompasis