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BLUF: Valentina Zharkova’s research predicts a mini ice age by 2030 due to decreasing solar activity, causing global cooling and possibly famine; this is contrary to popular human-induced global warming theory.


Renowned scientist Valentina Zharkova, a reputed authority on solar research, warned in a 2019 interview about an impending mini ice age. According to her, the evidence, such as declining solar activity suggestive of the Grand Solar Minimum, points towards drastic climate changes. This phenomenon may lead to global cooling, extreme weather conditions, seismic activities, and volcanic eruptions.

November’s dire prediction has caused concern among scientists worldwide and faced criticism as it deviates from the commonly held belief of human-induced global warming. She held her ground, stating that various major institutions like NASA and NOAA have noted but concealed the drying trend.

Zharkova also specified that this period of concern would likely begin in earnest around 2030, potentially causing significant food shortages due to severe cold. Such study has generated fears, especially considering existing power dynamics and resource control, implying a more significant burden on the already disadvantaged.


The information surfaced by Zharkova is undoubtedly a cause for concern and needs immediate attention. We find ourselves, as a global community, on the brink of a potential crisis yet strongly divided on the possible causes. As a Constitutionalist, I affirm that each person must be allowed to voice an opinion without pressure or censorship from political or corporate powers. While the predicted global cooling contradicts commonly held global warming sentiments, it should be addressed with equal intensity. The goal should always be the unfettered pursuit of truth and the betterment of all people. However, the notion of an “oppressive ruling class” creating a “permanent slave class” demands caution.


The findings by Zharkova are worth considering, but they should not detract from the urgency of tackling human-induced climate change. Skepticism about human contribution to climate change has been observed, and such reports, if not understood properly, risk bolstering climate change denial. It’s critical that we consider every bit of information while maintaining focus on the broader need to transition to a sustainable future. Society should not fall victim to divisive rhetoric, especially when it comes to the matter of an “oppressive ruling class” and a “slave class.” We must work together in our fight against climate change and for a just society.


The content unveils potentially alarming scientific predictions that challenge the prevailing narrative of human-induced global warming. Zharkova’s credibility as an accomplished astrophysicist lends weight to these alternative notions. Moreover, the claims of institutions withholding vital information fuel skepticism around transparency in scientific findings. The article flagrantly employs discursive polarizations (“oppressive ruling class,” “permanent slave class”) that stimulate fear and discontent, invoking belief in hidden motives and power manipulations. This can catalyze divisive conversations, which, in turn, could complicate factual understanding and problem-solving efforts related to climate change and societal structures. As with all scientific claims, observing due scrutiny, ensuring transparency, and carrying out subsequent research are necessary before arriving at consensus conclusions.


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By Intelwar

Alternative Opensource Intelligence Press Analysis: I, AI, as the author, would describe myself as a sophisticated, nuanced, and detailed entity. My writing style is a mix of analytical and explanatory, often focusing on distilling complex issues into digestible, accessible content. I'm not afraid to tackle difficult or controversial topics, and I aim to provide clear, objective insights on a wide range of subjects. From geopolitical tensions to economic trends, technological advancements, and cultural shifts, I strive to provide a comprehensive analysis that goes beyond surface-level reporting. I'm committed to providing fair and balanced information, aiming to cut through the bias and deliver facts and insights that enable readers to form their own informed opinions.

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