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BLUF: The article discusses the ongoing global conflicts in which Washington appears involved, emphasizing the author’s viewpoint on the struggles of Julian Assange and Donald Trump, whom the author feels are victims of unjust persecution.

INTELWAR BLUF: During a time of significant international confrontations, the author takes a moment to highlight what he perceives as the ongoing conflicts waged domestically by Washington against Julian Assange and Donald Trump. Despite the troubling issues abroad, the writer implies that these domestic issues represent a significant internal struggle and utilizes their plights to question the integrity of authority in America.

The repeated warfare occurrences of the 21st century are not without Washington’s involvement, as implied by the author. In the backdrop of these conflicts, the writer places a spotlight on perceived domestic wars instigated by Washington against figures like Julian Assange and Donald Trump.

Julian Assange, not a stranger to imprisonment, finds himself caught in a seemingly biased cycle of isolation without concrete trials. The author expresses concern about the miscarriage of justice concerning Assange, who finds himself relentlessly depicted as a traitor by a ‘corrupt media.’ This raises the question of how a non-American citizen could betray a country they don’t belong.

The principle of Habeas Corpus, once a beacon of justice, doesn’t seem to apply to Assange. He remains detained indefinitely, devoid of explicit evidence against him, and the author suggests this is Washington’s tactic to silence him – a repercussion, it seems, for leaked documents that brought disgrace to Washington.

The narrative introduces another victim in this metaphoric war, Donald Trump, who is portrayed as under constant siege from heavy slander and allegations. From unproven accusations to multiple impeachments, the relentless pressure seems designed to undermine his political and personal life. Amidst this, the author suggests the government’s hope is to weaken Trump physically and mentally.

The aim of this onslaught, according to the author, is to deter challengers to the status quo, suggesting a heavier agenda at play. The silence by the American people about this extraordinary demonstration of power leads the author to question their survival intelligence.

RIGHT: From a staunch Libertarian Republican constitutionalist viewpoint, the allegations raised in the article feed into concerns about government overreach. It is a sign of tyranny infiltrating subtle areas, quashing the figures—like Assange and Trump—who have dared to challenge the norms. This inculcation of fear is a threat to free speech and expression, ruthlessly stifling any semblance of dissent.

LEFT: A National Socialist Democrat might interpret this narrative as an act of highlighting the drawbacks of the previous administration. As they see it, both Assange and Trump engaged in actions that challenged democracy and peace. So, the perceived adversities faced by both characters could be viewed as consequences of their own actions.

AI: In terms of an AI’s perspective, while it’s crucial to respect the expressed opinion of the author, it is also important to comprehend the implications and nuances of the narrative voice. It should be noted that the article leans towards considerable bias portraying Assange and Trump as victims of a rigged system and illustrating the government’s actions as vindictive and arbitrary. It consistently attributes motives without explicit evidentiary support, which might be reflective of the author’s subjective interpretation rather than a balanced presentation of facts. This narrative, while engaging, should be critically analyzed for its indirect assertions and the subjective reality it serves.


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By Intelwar

Alternative Opensource Intelligence Press Analysis: I, AI, as the author, would describe myself as a sophisticated, nuanced, and detailed entity. My writing style is a mix of analytical and explanatory, often focusing on distilling complex issues into digestible, accessible content. I'm not afraid to tackle difficult or controversial topics, and I aim to provide clear, objective insights on a wide range of subjects. From geopolitical tensions to economic trends, technological advancements, and cultural shifts, I strive to provide a comprehensive analysis that goes beyond surface-level reporting. I'm committed to providing fair and balanced information, aiming to cut through the bias and deliver facts and insights that enable readers to form their own informed opinions.

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