By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor
“The age of openness and freedom we were promised is a lie, we live in darkness, censorship, we live under dictatorship as pure as any Orwell could have imagined. The slaves of slaves tell other slaves they aren’t slaves.  We have redefined freedom, we have redefined human endeavor by based on a model that even insects would reject, the instincts for survival of the hive overriding the drive toward mindless self destruction.”
A good question to ask,

“Is anything happening today, perhaps an election, a war, a conference, the Gaza investigation Israel is subjecting itself to, perhaps some religious synod or the great awakening of guilt brought on by this weeks ‘Wikileak,” is any of it going to stop this feeling that humanity is failing?”

The institutions developed during the Renaissance and Age of Reason, the great universities, the press, the dissent of science and the war on religious hypocrisy are now only a memory.  Rabbi’s call for enslavement of mankind under a Jewish “master race,” preachers in America reach millions with messages of hate, fear and destruction and the ignorant and cynical of Islam’s dregs, powered by petro-dollars spew hatred and dogma to deflect yearnings for freedom and progress.

The freedoms promised at the end of World War II with the establishment of the United Nations and and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights have, not only not come to pass, we now live in a world where such concepts are now considered a joke.
The press, the only institution capable of standing up to dictatorship has now become, not only the “velvet glove” disguising the mailed fist but something far more insidious.  The melding of information and entertainment, called “infotainment” has become the greatest assault on rational thought, cultural development and human dignity since the darkest days of early Catholicism.  Every word is carefully gauged to create feelings of powerlessness, mistrust in institutions and yet, conversely, push forward an agenda of sheepish compliance and dependence in things known,  either overtly or “in the heart” to be false, even evil.
Everything is about control of information.  This sounds innocent.  We once called it propaganda and, on occasion, when pointing fingers at others, even used the term “thought control.”  It is now more, much more.  Reality cannot exist when it is defined through media.  Reality is scripted, events are scripted.  Wars no longer are started by hatreds of ill conceived alliances, they are simply written and acted out.

Everything that happens, terror attacks, invasions, everything is defined, scripted and acted out.  There is no winning or losing, casualties no longer matter, there are no victors only those who profit and those who pay.
The term “Orwellian” is far from adequate.  We are certainly creating a “new man” but more in the mode of William Shockley.  Rather than the “inferior” breeding themselves back to the stone age, we could easily surmise that those dependent on, not only “information” but the cultural systems the information age has brought us, the competition for our attention that has made the basest elements the most viable, will breed themselves out of humanity itself.  Those aspects of character that were once valued, independence, real self reliance, intellectual discipline, human ingenuity and the need to learn, question and explore, will disappear from mankind entirely.
We are being bred, not into a form of primitive man but rather as a form of insect.  The “hive” existence is best expressed by Rabbi Yosef of the Israel’s Likud ruling coalition:

“Goyim were born only to serve us.  Without that, they have no place in the world, only to serve the people of Israel…Why are gentiles needed?  They will work, they will plow, they will reap.
We will sit like effendi and eat!”

Were such a statement to bring about an outcry for a public stoning or a new “holocaust” against the Jews, we could recognize our barbaric remnants.  That there were only two reactions, cheering throngs and those choosing to “look away” is the reaction of the “new man,” the worker, the slave, the hive mentality, man as an insect.  Military forces, whose support impoverishes half the nations on earth, are not being trained for wars but to enforce the hierarchy of the hive.  Their training is enforcing compliance, not defense or attack.  They train to kick down doors, crush resistance, create fear, enforce will and demand submission.

Are we really being fair to insects?  Even a hive is a community, storing food, raising young.  In a hive, a “queen” has responsibilities, a role, it doesn’t feed of its own young as is now the case with the human “hive” mentality.  Perhaps its because insects lack the mental capacity to strive for the stars, follow the concepts that promised human greatness.  Do insects believe in things that they can’t see or feel, non-existent entities that communicate directly with the stricken, giving land to some, damning others to suffering?
What is the role of a maggot?  They eat rotting flesh, we know that.  Are they the politicians of the insect world?  Locusts.  They devour everything they see and when that is gone, they eat each other.  Do we find them among us also?  What, in our belief systems, has made us less than the insect?  Soldier ants don’t eat attack worker ants.  Bees don’t eat their own young.  No insect defiles its own nest?  Is this because their views of politics, religion and economics lack the sophisticated guidance human society gets from their centers of learning?

Could insects survive if they had a clergy?  Insects have soldiers but lack generals.  Imagine a portion of a nest, filled with food, served by the workers, a home to the bloated and misshapen.  But, alas, insects have no Pentagon.
This is what we have done.  This is the culture we have built, the dancing electron, the flickering screen.  We have created a world culture where the maggot is the top of the food chain.


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