Today is Paratus if you celebrate it.

I had a Commander Zero week in terms of guns appearing for prices I just can’t pass up. Without going into details I am planning to stick with Gen 1-3 Glock 9mm’s.

Brownells has Magpul Glock 19 15 round mags 10/$119 which is a smoking deal! I have used them in John Mosbys Clandestine Carry Pistol class and IDPA. They are totally reliable and work just fine. If I recall John said minus one bad mag he liked them.

I also went ahead and ordered a spare complete BCG for  my AR-15. It happened to also be on sale.

The last week has been stupid expensive here. Not a week that can happen often but it went a long way in securing my supply of magazines.

In yesterdays post I hit on some points that merited expansion and repetition.

Economics- It is pretty likely that we will see some sort of economic downturn in the next couple years or so. Might be a good idea to take profits on some stocks that have run and put them elsewhere. Silver and gold are cheap right now. Paying off debt, especially high or variable interest debt, it always a good idea. Cash is pretty handy also.

The biggest thing I was getting at yesterday is that preparedness concerns shouldn’t run your life. In most cases (obviously not a 50th story apartment in Manhattan) you can get quite prepared without major life changes. You should move to a cabin in the woods because you want to live there for the fly fishing or whatever, not just because you are worried about some unlikely event. Live how you want to, with some emergency preparedness insurance, so that if things go more or less normally you won’t be disappointed.

Beyond that I need to schedule a range trip for the next week. Also work on some new goals. Organize some stuff and make a couple of lists.

What have you been up to?


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