Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy of California suggested that Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff of California should face expulsion from Congress after the revelations from the Durham report were released Monday.

McCarthy made the comments while addressing the media on Wednesday when he was asked what the consequences of the report would be.

“Well, a number of things, we’re asking Durham to come in and testify so that we can look at it more,” said McCarthy.

“It really raises the question about Adam Schiff. Remember when he told the American people he had proof? Remember when he told them he didn’t know the whistleblower? And what he put American through? And openly lied to us?” he added.

“And now it’s proven in this as well? It raises a lot of questions about his, just his character, his standing inside of Congress,” he said.

“And whether he should even be in Congress,” McCarthy concluded.

The 300-page Durham report found that the FBI had been biased in its investigation into accusations of collusion between the 2016 presidential campaign of then-candidate Donald Trump and the Russian government. Durham said that the FBI had charged into the investigation without enough evidence to justify the probe.

The FBI responded to the report with a brief statement claiming that it had already initiated changes that would prevent the same mistakes in the future.

McCarthy reiterated his accusations against Schiff on Wednesday when he appeared on Fox News.

“They took America through an impeachment over a lie that they knew. You had Adam Schiff, who was chairman of the Intel Committee lying day after day to the American public that he had proof, that he needed proof,” said McCarthy.

“Why is this individual still even in Congress and why does he think he could even run for higher office after what he did?” he added.

He went on to accuse Schiff and Hillary Clinton of threatening American democracy through their actions related to the Russian collusion investigation.

Here’s the video of McCarthy’s comments:

McCarthy Blasts Adam Schiff After Durham Report Released: ‘Raises A Lot Of Questions’

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