Washington’s campaign to lure Russian citizens into becoming spies is doomed to fail, as Russians will not allow a foreign power to stir up confusion at home, the country’s ambassador to the US has said. Anatoly Antonov’s statement came after the CIA released a new ad urging Russians to share information with the agency. Antonov said the move was part of “the hybrid war” unleashed against Moscow. “The ill-wishers in the West, ever since the defeat of Napoleon, realized the steadfastness of our country against attacks from outside,” Antonov said in a statement on the embassy’s Telegram channel on Thursday, referring to the failed French invasion of 1812. “And now, having failed to impose their sanctions blitzkrieg and realized the impossibility of inflicting a military defeat on us, they are trying to sow confusion in Russian society,” the ambassador said. “I firmly believe that this provocation won’t work. Russian people have learned the lessons of history well and will not allow…


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