Video caught a crew of crooks carrying out a brazen, early morning theft of a car’s catalytic converter while the vehicle was parked in a home’s driveway earlier this month. While the video’s time stamp indicates the theft took place May 12 around 5:44 a.m. EST, the location of the theft is unclear.

What happened?

Video shows the crew of four — all dressed in dark hoodies with dark masks — working together to carry out the crime.

After a front gate was opened, one member of the crew jacked up a red vehicle — which appears to be a small Mitsubishi SUV — while a second member crawled under the vehicle with a tool. A third member waited on the street with what appeared to be a running getaway car.

Image source: Twitter video screenshot via @ZeekArkham

The fourth member of the crew moved closest to the house and video camera, and he appeared to be standing guard while holding what appears to be a metal stick or pipe in his right hand.

Image source: Twitter video screenshot via @ZeekArkham

At one point, he looked up toward an upper-story window of the house, and a woman can be heard protesting the early morning heist.

“What are you doing to my car?” she hollered down to the crew.

Given the time of day, the thoughtful thug offered the woman some advice: “Go back to sleep!”

“What?” she asked.

“Go back to sleep!” he repeated.

Image source: Twitter video screenshot via @ZeekArkham

After the woman interjected a further complaint, the armed guard answered, “Yeah, you heard me!”

By this point, the crew member under the car had his tool revved up, presumably beginning the process of cutting off the catalytic converter.

Soon, a man yelled down at the crew, and the confident guard hollered back, “Shut the f*** up, [n-word]!”

A handful of seconds later, the catalytic converter came off, the jack was closed up, and the four crooks walked calmly to a waiting black car and sped away.

Image source: Twitter video screenshot via @ZeekArkham

The whole thing took just over a minute.

Here’s the clip. Content warning: Profanity and a racial slur:

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