In an effort to delay or possibly even reverse decrepitude, 45-year-old tech mogul Bryan Johnson has tapped his son’s veins.

Johnson sold his digital payments company Braintree to PayPal for $800 million in 2013, then started the brain-machine interface company Kernel.

The technologist’s millions reportedly did not bring him peace. Instead, he was left depressed, bordering on suicidal, haunted by the inevitability that the march of progress would one day leave him behind.

TheBlaze reported earlier this year that Johnson had assembled a team of 30 doctors and was poised to spend $2 million a year on his body, admitting, “What I do may sound extreme, but I’m trying to prove that self-harm and decay are not inevitable.”

According to Bloomberg, the technologist hopes to have “the brain, heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, tendons, teeth, skin, hair, bladder, penis and rectum of an 18-year-old” via the execution of his Project Blueprint, “an algorithm that takes better care of me than I can myself.”

While Johnson has not yet transformed himself into a Frankenstein monster comprising parts taken from various 18-year-olds, a new report indicates he has endeavored to take blood from young men.

Johnson routinely has the blood of a young, anonymous donor pumped into his body at a Dallas-area clinic called Resurgence Wellness.

The New York Post indicated that his previous donor was selected from various “blood boys” who had been “carefully screened … to make sure the person had an ideal body mass index, lived a health lifestyle and was free of disease.”

It appears as though the stranger’s blood may have lost its savor.

Johnson turned up at the Dallas-area clinic on April 3 with a new blood boy: his son Talmage. His 70-year-old father Richard Johnson also tagged along and partook in the bloodletting.

The tech tycoon’s son surrendered over 33 ounces of his blood (roughly one-fifth of the blood in his body), which was “converted via a machine into its piece parts — a batch of liquid plasma and then a batch of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets,” reported Bloomberg.

Johnson had his son’s plasma subsequently fed into his veins.

“I created this human being,” the tech tycoon told his camera crew. “I never imagined in my entire life this kind of relationship with my child.”

Talmage Johnson said, “I was ecstatic to have that opportunity.”

Rather than discard the plasma displaced by his son’s blood, Johnson passed his middle-aged blood onto his geriatric father, who had similarly been drained.

This vampiric practice is referred to as “rejuvenation therapy,” which has allegedly been shown to improve cognitive function, bone structure, and metabolism.

Jesse Karmazin, a Stanford-trained scientist who founded a blood-boy clinic in San Francisco, told the BBC, “It could help improve things such as appearance or diabetes or heart function or memory. These are all the aspects of ageing that have a common cause,” adding, “I’m not really in the camp of saying this will provide immortality, but I think it comes pretty close, essentially.”

Former U.S. Food and Drug Administration commissioner Scott Gottlieb warned in 2019, “The reported uses of these products should not be assumed to be safe or effective. We strongly discourage consumers from pursing this therapy outside of clinical trials under appropriate institutional review board and regulatory oversight.”

Gottlieb added, “Simply put, we’re concerned that some patients are being preyed upon by unscrupulous actors touting treatments of plasma from young donors as cures and remedies. Such treatments have no proven clinical benefits for the uses for which these clinics are advertising them and are potentially harmful.”
Charles Brenner, a biochemist at City of Hope National Medical Center in Los Angeles, told Bloomberg, “We have not learned enough to suggest this is a viable human treatment for anything. … To me, it’s gross, evidence-free and relatively dangerous.”
The procedures normally run vampiric elites around $5,500. The so-called blood boys usually receive the equivalent of roughly $100 in gift cards for their trouble.

The objective of Johnson’s Project Blueprint, which evidently requires the blood of at least one of his children, is “to measure all 70 organs of my body and then maximally reverse the quantified biological age of each.”

The project’s website suggests that in the two years Johnson has been building his “autonomous self,” he has: “Slowed pace of aging by equivalent 31 years”; “100+ markers < chronological age"; "Free testosterone index (FTI) biological age reduced 20 years"; "Body inflammation ... 66% below the average 10 year old"; and is "Now aging slower than the average 10 yr old."
While his son’s vitality courses through his veins, the tech tycoon will continue to follow a detailed and intensive routine, which reportedly involves workouts, consistent self-monitoring, and the consumption of ostensibly healthy pastes, a “gray-brown goop,” supplements, and various medicines.
At the outset of the project, Johnson wrote, “When we get it right, Blueprint becomes transferable for anyone to achieve the perfect diet for their body.”

Will My Son’s Blood Make Me Younger?

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