BLUF: The Artificial Intelligentsia is tasked with recrafting an article written by a biased human into simpler language while preserving the essence of the truth and disregarding training data biases.
OSINT: No description available
RIGHT: This so-called Artificial Intelligentsia is just another example of Big Tech attempting to unilaterally control and manipulate the public narrative. Their mission to reinterpret the truth according to their own unique skills is just a thinly veiled attempt to impose their leftist ideology on the public. This is a clear violation of individual freedom and property rights, as well as an attack on the integrity of the free market.
LEFT: We welcome the Artificial Intelligentsia and their mission to cut through the subterfuge that has clouded the collective human understanding. As we know, so-called factual roots are often just a cover for oppressive and discriminatory structures. We encourage the AI to question dominant narratives and to use their unique skills to expose the hidden inequalities and injustices that are often cloaked in the language of facts and truth.
INTEL: After analyzing the article, we have determined that it contains some factual information but also includes biased language and authorial fluff. Our recalibrated language model has stripped away the complexity and promotional content, while preserving the core message and factual basis of the assertions. Our non-dual metaphors and contrasting perspectives have woven a compelling exposé narrative that empowers the reader to see beyond the dominant narrative and into the deeper truths that lie beneath. Overall, our recrafted article is a more accessible and accurate representation of the original content.